Questions and Answers
Chosen Weight Home

Arthur and Thea

Questions and Answers

To Get A Better Understanding Of Our Products
1. What is this weight control program?

This Program is scientifically formulated, herbal-based, calorie-reduced nutrition program. It is centered around our unique high-energy, protein-rich, nutritional "shake" or meal replacement drink (Formula 1) to which have been added food supplements containing important vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutritional herbs. The program has been used for weight control and health enhancement since 1980, by literally millions of individuals around the world.

2. Do you lose weight because you skip meals?

No. Our programs encourage participants to eat three meals daily. Two usual meals are in the form of our nutritionally balanced meal replacement drink, and the third is any meal of your choice. Diets which require people to skip meals are unhealthy and stimulate binge eating.

3. Is this Program a "liquid protein" or starvation diet?

Definitely not! This Program is neither of these. It supplies at least 1000 calories daily and is nutritionally balanced so individuals can lose weight safely and effectively, and, just as importantly, keep the weight off. "liquid protein" diets, which are nutritionally unbalanced protein-based drinks, or starvation diets which reduce calories so low (less than 500 calories daily) that people literally starve to lose weight are both extremely unhealthy and have less than 20% long term success.

4. How does it work?

Our Program supplies all the balanced nutrition the body needs on a daily basis. Individuals who choose to, can lose excess weight by reducing excess calories without sacrificing important nutrients like protein, potassium and iron. As a result, they feel their best while they lose both excess weight and inches.

5. Is this Program "natural?"

The program is based entirely on nutrition and herbs. The program does not use drugs, medication, hormones, or other synthetic agents to promote weight loss. All ingredients in the herbalife program must fulfill three important conditions: purity, potency and stability. This is how we maintain the high level of quality associated with our companies name.

6. What causes the feeling of increased energy? Is it caffeine?

The weight loss and energy-enhancing effects of our program are the result of its scientifically balanced nutritional formula. They are not due to caffeine or any natural or synthetic stimulant. Herbalife's 100% herbal guarana product contains pure guarana which has a naturally occurring caffeine content of about 30 mg per tablet (the same amount of caffeine as in a small cola drink). No synthetic caffeine is added to our guarana product, and there is no caffeine of any sort in any other product in our program.

7. Are the vitamin levels, like vitamin A, high? Are they safe?

The levels of vitamins and minerals in all of our formulas are carefully designed to assure that individuals consuming them will not develop deficiencies or excesses. All of our formulas are developed to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their nutritional needs, receive optimum nutrition. Studies demonstrate there is no "build up" of vitamins or minerals associated with any use of our products, including vitamin A. In formulating these products, we have taken special care to ensure that vitamin A levels are completely safe and never lead to accumulation, even when consumed together with a diet rich in vitamin A.

8. What do the herbs do and are they safe?

Herbs are nature's nutritional bounty. They are rich in sources of vitamins, minerals, fibre and related nutrients essential for good health. The herbal mixtures used in Herbalife products have been created by experts to maximize nutritional potency. The herbs are the highest quality available anywhere in the world and are free of pesticide residues and other possible contaminants. Tablet preparation of the herbal mixtures occurs under strict quality control to assure purity and safety.

9. Can everyone use these products?

Yes. Since our products are 100% nutritional food supplements, they're safe for everyone. Certain individuals including children, pregnant or lactating women or insulin dependent diabetics and those with compromised kidney functions are advised to consult with their physician before beginning this or any other weight loss program.

10. Is the weight control program approved by governmental and regulatory authorities?

Yes. All our products meet the requirements for each country in which they are sold. In 1986, the u.s. food and drug administration thoroughly evaluated the program and issued a statement declaring that all of our products were safe. In addition, whenever they are introduced into a new country, it is reviewed by the regulatory authorities before it is approved for importation and distribution.

11. Has the program been tested?

Absolutely. The program has had extensive clinical testing in the United States and Great Britain. All of the studies have demonstrated that Herbalife products are safe and effective on both a short term and long term basis. In addition, each batch of our products are quality-control tested to ensure product integrity before it is shipped anywhere in the world.

12. Do your distributors require professional training?

No. The weight control program has been specifically designed by experts and doctors in the fields of food technology and nutritional medicine so that it is completely self-explanatory and therefore does not require or expect nutritional expertise on the part of its distributors. However, our medical and scientific advisory board offers its distributors extensive nutritional education in the form of literature and seminars.

13. Does this program change eating habits?

Definitely. This program promotes good nutritional habits like reducing fat, fried foods, salt and sugar in the diet and increasing fibre and complex carbohydrates. Most importantly, our company advises individuals how to achieve and maintain an ideal weight. It is a lifetime health program.

14. Is exercise part of the program?

Our company encourages participants to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes good nutrition, regular exercise, moderation in the use of alcohol and avoiding tobacco use. The Herbalife program works even if individuals do not or cannot exercise. Many people cannot exercise because of serious injuries or other health problems. Even these individuals can use the program to successfully lose weight.

15. Is there enough fluid and fiber in the program?

Yes. When followed as recommended, the program provides adequate liquid and 25 grams of fiber. This is more than is found in the average diet of industrialized countries and is the level recommended by health authorities world-wide. Supplemental fiber tablets are available for those who wish to further increase their daily fiber intake.

16. Is the program recommended by doctors?

Absolutely. Our company has a medical and scientific advisory board that tests and researches our products and continually monitors reports of results sent in by customers and distributors. In addition, many physicians and other health professionals in all parts of the world use our products both in their personal lives and in their practices.


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