Our Choice....Herbalife
Chosen Weight Home

Arthur and Thea

Questions and Answers

We Work From Home, So Can YOU!
"I used to say, 'I sure hope things will change.' Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change."
- Jim Rohn

How would you like to lose your weight and turn those results into income?! When I had lost all my weight, My husband looked around and said, 'There are so many people who are unhappy because they are overweight and exhausted. Why don't we share your story and help others to look and feel healthier like you?' That is when we decided to make a committment, like never before, to help others and make a change. In the process become debt free. You CAN do it too and we will help you. There is so much out there for YOU. You just got to take that step and go for it! Anytime you have an advantage, take advantage of it. It's YOUR opportunity. It's Your Choice!

Now Grab a Pen!
We are looking for 5 people who are wanting to make 1000/mo. and 250 a week and the start up is only the cost of taking your family out to dinner! Do you know of anyone who would be interested in earning 12k, 30k to 60k a year?
Call this number 1-512-703-6188. You might want to write down any questions you might have and then give us a call on our toll free number 866-753-5475.

If you have Real Player you can listen to this call online at the link below.

Remember 'It's Your Choice'
Email Us: thearty@earthlink.net
Call toll free: 866-753-5475
You're on your way!

We Look Forward to Hearing from YOU!

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